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Narrator: Such a curious kitty...The Traveller read the next set of text for the exact amount of time they needed only to realize this text, yet familiar somehow...
Each word read is seemingly more important than the last and you figure it's probably an integral part of the whole story.
Narrator: You really don't remember, do you, Traveller...
I knew you couldn't resist the story. The gorgeous text accompanied by that big, blue button...
I knew you would dive deeper and deeper into all of this, didn't you?
You just fell for the same ingenious sequence as that irreputable bafoon Vulture Kid.
Welcome to the Letter Trap!
Dear Traveller,
Since your time in Greener Fields is ending shortly I suppose I can tell you a bit about what happened here...
A long, long time ago, Vulture Kid and I were SUPER BEST FRIENDS. We attended the same evil genius schools, came from the same evil genius backgrounds, had the same evil lunches together and we both loved toying with imbeciles out looking for treasure.
We invented the Navigation Sensation title knowing how many of you fools are obsessed with titles and treasure. We came up with this killer idea that every time a Traveller perished out in our maze, we'd collect their "essence", harvest and refine it and use it to lengthen our own health bars!
We even had a wicked-cool company name picked out: "Prestigium Worldwide!"
Word spread about our little legend and we started growing in popularity. SO many of you have come looking for the fabled percentage and seeking the ultimate title.
In order to keep up with the times and to keep getting more Travellers, I wanted to go more digital but ol' VK wasn't having it.
He chose not to look at the bigger picture. "The internet is a fad, Narrator, it'll never take off..." Then he started developping one of those "consciences" or whatever you people call it. So I decided to come up with an end sequence that banished his ass to Greener Fields...the Letter Trap was born! Once you finish reading the letter, you are stuck wherever you are - FOREVER. Trapped in your own mind!
I soon realized with my ambitions and talent that I could have total control of not only this World Map but the entire Universe!
Do you have any idea the amount of power and essence contained within Travelers? It's infinite! Thus, making ME infinite!
Now that you know the Navigation Sensation is a may as well give up now! Definitely do not keep trying out different buttons...
Your time is up, Traveller! Enjoy spending the rest of your days in Greener Fields! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!
Best regards,
The Narrator
P.S.- suck it, Vulture Kid.
Wixx: The Narrator appears to have outsmarted you and Vulture Kid with their letter trap.
Unaware of what to do next and feeling super betrayed, you died knowing you'd been outsmarted by your arch-nemesis...
You can do this, Traveller! NEVER give up!
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